Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blogs Suck for Internet Marketing and Making Money Online

I know there are a lot of you who think that only blogs make money online or that only blogs rank well in the search engines or that you must be a blogger if you want to be a successful internet marketer. It's not entirely your fault for thinking this since most of the so-called top make money online bloggers do a very good job of feeding you this crap. However, it is absolutely NOT true and I can prove it! The fact is that bloggers suck at internet marketing and search engine optimization... Which is how you make money online!

Want to see what I am talking about? Keep reading...

The other day I was doing some searching on Google for various keyword phrases in the niches that typically fall under the "Internet Marketing" umbrella such as; work at home, make money online, home business, home based business and so on. After a few minutes of searching I started to realize that I wasn't finding very many blogs in the top ten of these popular searches.

So, I started looking a little closer at the search results and found that there really aren't very many blogs that rank in the top 10 on Google for any of the most popular internet marketing related keywords. The only exception was "make money online" (without quotes) but even the first page of search results for that term was only half full of blogs.

The results of my little experiment are below...

* Internet Marketing = 0 blogs in the top 10
* Make Money Online = 5 blogs in the top 10
* Home Business = 1 blog in the top 10
* Work at Home = 0 blogs in the top 10
* Home Based Business = 1 blog in the top 10

Total = 7 blogs out of the 50 websites listed at the top of Google for those keyword phrases.

The only one that even had a decent showing of blogs in the top 10 was Make Money Online. Now, you might be thinking that “make money online” is the most searched for keyword phrase of all of these so it's the one that you want to rank highly for with your blog anyway. Think again!

I checked each of the phrases in the Google Adwords keyword tool and the free Wordtracker keyword tool to see how many searches each of them receive. You can see what I found below. The first number is the monthly searches the keyword phrase gets according to the Google keyword tool and the second number is the daily searches it gets according to the free wordtracker tool.

* Internet Marketing = 1,000,000/month, 3412/day
* Make Money Online = 673,000/month, 956/day
* Home Business = 1,830,000/month, 1128/day
* Work at Home = 1,000,000/month, 1184/day
* Home Based Business = 673,000/month, 763/day

Now you can clearly see that of the five top keyword phrases in the internet marketing niche, make money online comes in right around the bottom. It was tied for last with home based business for monthly searches according to the Google tool and it was second to last in daily searches according to the Wordtracker tool. Home business and internet marketing were the top two respectively.

I admit this might not have been the most in-depth scientific experiment in the world but I don't think there's any doubt that it shows you definitely do not need a blog to rank well on Google or to make money online!

What do you need to rank highly in search engines and actually make money online?


You need lots of keyword anchored backlinks. These are also called "inbound links" or "inlinks" depending on who you talk to, but they are all the same thing. Getting backlinks is the most important thing for ranking highly on the search engines and making money online.

Now hopefully you know that you don't need a blog that you update five times per day just for the sake of posting on it because you heard from some A-list blogger that's how to make money online. A very select few bloggers ever make it very far by following that school of thought for making money online, but plenty of website owners do very well with their sites by ranking highly on search engines. Which would you rather be?

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg
Free Make Money Online Tips

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The University Kid Teaches How to Make Money Online

There are only a few make money online / blogging tips / internet marketing blogs that I read on a regular basis because quite honestly most of the blogs in this industry are crap and are not worth taking the time to read because you won't learn anything. If you have been a reader here for a while then you already know that I pretty much only recommend Grizzly, Court, Vic, Monika, Terry, Josh, Matt, Garry, the Noob, and a very select few others.

However, I recently became a reader, subscriber, and all around fan of The University Kid blog. He teaches various aspects of entrepreneurship, blogging, internet marketing and making money online.

Most of his posts are very in-depth and he is not afraid to give away his money making secrets. He is one of the few bloggers out there who actually teaches how to succeed at blogging, internet marketing, making money online, and other aspects of being an entrepreneur. It's not the same old crap that you see rehashed day after day on most of the other blogs in this industry.

The biggest problem I have with The University Kid blog is that it's hard to find the older posts. There's no links to the archives (that I can find) so you have to go page-by-page through the previous posts which is not very convenient and takes way too long.

I've only been reading this blog for a couple weeks now and I have already learned quite a few new things. He has also helped me come up with some new online business ideas that I hadn't thought of before. Not bad considering I have been making money online as an internet marketer for over five years now and definitely didn't think some young university kid, who is fairly new at blogging, could teach me anything. I was wrong!

Oh and in case you are wondering, this is NOT a solicited post. I was not paid or bribed to post it, or anything else like that. I simply found a great resource for my home business tips readers and wanted to share it with you all.

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Saturday, December 01, 2007

What Is Your Favorite Blogging Platform?

Just about everyone who decides to start a blog contemplates one of the biggest blogging dilemma's, whether they should start by using Google's free Blogger service or go with a hosted Wordpress blog on their own domain? When you combine ease of use, simplicity of starting, functionality, and SEO, I have to go with Blogger as my top choice and I will tell you why below.

If you do some research around the blogosphere, you will undoubtedly discover that many more people put in their vote for Wordpress over Blogger.

But I have to ask why?

I've used both for various blogs I own and from what I can see, the whole Wordpress craze comes from its Web 2.0 capability. It comes with the built-in ability for users to employ an ever growing source of third party plug-ins, as well as small add-on programs called widgets. These add-ons enhance the functionality of wordpress blogs and make them more appealing to the end-user. If you search on Google for "Wordpress widgets", you will find a huge amount of different resources for adding on WP widgets.

So if Wordpress has such a great following and is loaded with so many creative plug-ins, widgets, and thingamabobs, then why do I prefer Blogger? The answer is pretty straightforward... I am looking for traffic from the search engines, and Google in particular. And since Google owns Blogger, I think it would be crazy to think that they don't give blogger blogs better search engine rankings. And when it comes to profiting, SE Rankings are what it's all about.

Also, it is incredibly easy to make blogs using the Blogger service. Even the newest of newbie’s can have one set up within a few minutes. It is also extremely simple to add Google Adsense to Blogger blogs. Once you have your Adsense publisher ID, you can just click a link in your blog template to add a block of Adsense to your blog.

I've never had any problems with blogger at all and I have been using them for over 4 years. My blogs rank highly for many of their target keyword phrases and some of them are very profitable. As long as my blogs keep bringing in profits without messing around with all those "extras" offered by WP then I will stick with blogger.

For me it's a clear choice, if you want a more high-tech blog with lot of options, widgets, and gadgets, then you should definitely go with Wordpress. But, if you are looking to start a blog that you can put up quickly and easily to start making money as soon as possible, then Blogger is for you.

Oh and I also forgot to mention, there are now some great tools available that allow you to keep track of numerous Blogger blogs from just one place. This makes it even easier to use Blogger for your blogging needs and build a good income.

Now you have heard my opinions on which blogging platform to use and reasons for them. I'd also like to hear what you think and why? Just leave a comment to let me know why I am right or wrong, in your opinion, and any other thoughts you have on the topic.

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg
Free Home Business Tips

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