Thursday, January 12, 2006

Useful Online Marketing Blog

Hey biz tips readers. The online business tip for today is simply to tell you about an online marketing blog I came across earlier this afternoon. It is great!

I have never been to it before but it comes up at #1 on Google when you search for "internet marketing blog" (without quotes - it's #2 with quotes).

In fact, that is how I found it. I was searching around for internet marketing information and stumbled across it.

Just so you know, I don't get anything for telling you about it. I just thought it would be a great site for you to visit from time to time to learn more about online marketing. We all need to keep learning and evolving to keep up with this ever changing industry.

Anyway, here is the blog/site for you... Online Marketing Blog

Check the "categories" in the right hand column there are quite a few of them. Some that stuck out at me were: SEO, SEM, Link Building, Blog Marketing, and RSS. However, there are quite a few others too.


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