Monday, August 30, 2004

Free Traffic Tip - Special Report: What if Google Didn't Exist?

Call me lazy, call me efficient, call me smart, or call me anything else you want... but today I am going to take the easy way out and just direct you to another website for your free traffic tip...

It's a special report from Jack Humphrey called, What if Google Didn't Exist?

It's a great report and an easy read. I think you will like it.

You will see that it talks a lot about his site and you will most likely want to check out the site. I will tell you that his power linking product has gotten rave reviews and is said to be quite amazing.

Now, here is my shameless request from you... Since I am the one sending you to this site I would really appreciate if you would use this link to check out Jack's Power Linking Profits site.

Why did I ask you to do that? It's simple... I get paid if you buy from that link! Hey, someone has to get the commissions, it might as well be your good buddy Trent. Right?

Until next time... Have a great day! Now go and get some free traffic to your website.

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Friday, August 27, 2004

Free Website Traffic Resource - Yahoo Groups

Yahoo has a ton of groups that you can sign up for and many of them have subscribers in the tens of thousands of people.

Now, I don't know about you, but I think sending a message about my business to a group of 10,000 people willing to receive it is a GOOD thing!

Head on over to, and you will find a large directory of Yahoo Groups. Find the ones that relate to your particular business topic.

Once you have done that you will need to sign up for all of them (or as many as you can). It doesn't take too long to sign up for each one but there might be hundreds to thousands of them on your topic so you should only sign up for the most relevant ones.

After you sign up... read the rules for EVERY group you sign up for. Make sure you follow the rules for the group so you don't getted banned from the group or in trouble for spamming.

From my experience I have found 2 main ways to get free traffic using the Yahoo groups...

The first one is to submit a business article, business advice, or anything else informative and of VALUE to the group. Obviously you will provide a link to your site and a little blurb about yourself at the end so you can get the free advertising for your business.

The second way to get free traffic from Yahoo groups is to submit an actual ad for your business. ONLY do this in the groups that ALLOW it. However, you won't find many that do. The ones that do allow blatant advertising are usually full of ads so they it won't benefit you much. Even so, this can work but you will have to do it a lot ... sorta like free classifieds.

I highly recommend you stick to the first tactic but the second one can work too if you have the time and the patience.

OK, there you go... I have just told you a way to advertise your business to a targetted list of thousands of people for free.

Until next time... Have a great day! Now go and get that free traffic to your website.

Dedicated to your business success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Thursday, August 26, 2004

Business Advertising Techniques of the day - Newspapers

I hope you enjoyed the little 7-day success traits series.

I am now going to go back to marketing / Advertising / Promotion Techniques for a little while. I know everyone is always looking for ways to do those things so I am going to be the one to tell you about them. Don't forget to refer your friends here!

Today's business marketing / advertising method is newspapers. Now I know I didn't break any code of silence or invent some new technique by telling you about newspaper advertising. Everyone knows that newspapers are one of the oldest and most widely used forms of advertising.

However, you may not be utilizing them so I wanted to remind you that they are out there. Thousands upon thousands of people still read the newspaper everyday. Believe it or not the internet is not the only source of information.

Having your business advertisement in the classifieds section could be a very good investment for your business. More Traffic, More Customers, More Sales!

The only problem is that newspaper classified advertising can be very expensive. You may get many more customers to your business or traffic to your website but it will also cost you more... Until Now!!!

No kidding... Last week (Friday if I remember correctly) I heard a very well-known and respected online businessman talking about a product he uses. It saves hundreds to thousands of dollars in newspaper advertising costs.

For a small fee you can get something like 250 newspaper ads for just over $1 each plus a bunch of great bonuses.

I checked around and this is a top selling product in a very competetive market so I assume some people are having success with it.

I haven't ever used it so I don't know how well it works but Newspaper Advertising definitely can work so why not get your ad in hundreds of them for much cheaper?!?!

Check it out --- Discount Newspaper Ads - $1 Each!

Until next time... Have a great day! Now go and get your advertisement in front of millions of newspaper readers.

Dedicated to your business marketing success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Day 7 - Home Based Business / Work at Home Attitude

Today's work at home based business success trait is ... ENTHUSIASM!

Have you ever heard the saying that you must thoroughly enjoy what you do in order to succeed at it? Although it may not always be true it usually is.

There is also an old saying that enthusiasm is contagious and that one is true much more often than not.

When you are happy, excited, giddy, enthused about your business then others will see and hear it in you. This will make them want to check it out because they want to be as happy as you are.

There is no doubt that with enthusiasm you will have much more success getting people to do business with you.

The whole purpose of working at home is to do something you like, under your own terms, so pick something you are enthused about.

Enthusiastically :-) dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Day 6 - Home Based Business / Work at Home Attitude

Todays home business success trait is ... (drum roll please) ... EDUCATION!

Yes, you need to educate yourself in order to succeed in your work at home based business.

You don’t have to have a college degree or anything like that but you do need education.

Actually, starting a home business really doesn’t require you to have much of a formal education at all. However, you must educate yourself tremendously on your particular business topic. There is going to be a lot of things you need to know in your business.

Most of it can be learned on the internet or with home study courses. There are tons of ebooks, newsletters, articles, forums, training sites, etc... out in cyberspace to help educate you tremendously on all aspects of business.

In fact I am a business major at a well-known and respected university but I have learned 10X more about business just from online material.

Educate yourself and succeed! To help you get started on your learning here are 225+ links to top home business web resources.

Dedicated to your business success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Monday, August 23, 2004

Day 5 - Home Based Business / Work at Home Attitude

I want to start today by aplogizing to all of my wonderfully faithful and loyal readers because I have not posted for 3 days.

Over the weekend I attended a family event, then went out to a theme park with my girlfriend, and then classes started today. With all that I haven't been around my computer much.

Thank you all for sticking with me!

I am going to continue for a few more days with the home business success traits series that I have been doing. I have decided this because I think they are really important for you to know.

After that I will give some more marketing tips for a while then we can move on to something else.

Without further delay...

Your work at home success trait for today is PURPOSE!

In order to build a solid home business you must have a central purpose. It’s easy to try and do a hundred different things at one time but it gets you nowhere in the end.

People that fail usually don’t have a defined purpose or goal set for what they are trying to do.

When you try to do too many things at once, without really knowing what you are doing it for, then you will quickly find that nothing is working. Many people just give up at this point.

Don't let yourself fall victim to not having a purpose. There are only so many things that you can do at one time. There are even less things you can do well at one time.

Stick with the important stuff and know where you are going!

Until next time... Have a great day! Now go write out a purpose for your business.

Dedicated to your work at home success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Friday, August 20, 2004

Day 4 - Home Based Business / Work at Home Attitude

Today's work at home success trait is ... DESIRE!!!

You can hope, wish, and pray to gain financial independence for the rest of your life but it will never happen until you truly desire it.

You must determine exactly what you want for your financial future and then let it become your ultimate obsession.

Do not leave any room for failure or you will do just that… fail.

There is no such thing as "trying" only "doing"! Never say you will give this home based business thing a "try". Always say that you know you will succeed and "do" it.

Learn all you can, talk to everyone you can, write out a plan, and put in as much time as you can to make the money you desire.

Until next time... Have a great day!

Dedicated to your work at home success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Thursday, August 19, 2004

Day 3 - Home Based Business / Work at Home Attitude

Todays work at home trait is PERSISTENCE and you better have it if you want to succeed as your own boss!

You always here people say they are starting this or doing that but hardly anyone ever finishes. Why not? Because they quit once it gets a little rough.

Having a home business has a lot of benefits but first you have to get through all the hurdles in the beginning. There are few things harder than building a home business from the ground up. There are also few things more rewarding once you have succeeded.

When running a home based business it will get very tough at times so you must have persistence to continue. Most people quit just when they are on the verge of getting everything they wanted.

Don't let that happen to you!

Until next time... Have a great day!

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Day 2 - Home Based Business / Work at Home Attitude

Well, I told you about having self-discipline to succeed in your home business. I figured I would continue the trend for a few days and give you some attitude/character traits that you will need to succeed.

Here's #2...

This one is actually a close relative to self-discipline. You will see many similarities...

You must Avoid Procrastination all costs! As with self-discipine, you do not have a boss, or any other authority figure, or co-workers to keep you on task.

A luxury of being your own boss at home is that you get to pick your working hours. Make sure you aren’t putting off work until tomorrow or the next day. Soon enough you will have tons of it piled up on you and will never get it done.

If you let that happen it's easy to say, "I can't do this, I am just going back to my job."

You must establish a work-load to get done every day and do it.

I find myself falling victim to procrastination all the time. I make a list to get done for the day but find that I usually don't get it all done. This is something that many people need to work on. I have been working very hard on it and have found my productivity to be sky-rocketing.

Here are a couple articles you can read to help you beat procrastination... Time Management for Home Business Owners and Procrastination: How to beat it

Until next time... Have a geat day. Now go beat that business procrastination.

Dedicated to your work at home success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Home Based Business / Work at Home Attitude Tip

Today I am going to quickly go over something that we all need in order to successfully be your own boss and work at home...

It's called SELF DISCIPLINE and you better have a lot of it if you plan on running an online home based business.

Why do I say that, you ask? Here's why...

Working at home means that you don’t have a boss or co-workers to keep you on task. When you are the boss it is easy to do something other than work. This is especially true in a home business where you have your personal life all around you.

Think about it... the golf course is just down the road, your favorite movie is on TV, your bed is just in the next room, your buddies are going fishing, your significant other wants to hang out, etc...

You must discipline yourself to do certain tasks at certain times every day. Do not let your home life interfere with your business life just because you work at home.

Yes, the reason many of us choose to work at home is because of the freedom to do the things we want to do when we want to do them. However, you still need to get your work done.

Don't fall victim to doing to much play and not enough work or you won't be able to pay the bills for long... and you can forget about that vacation to the bahamas!

Dedicated to your work at home success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Monday, August 16, 2004

Free Marketing Resource - Internet Bulletin Boards

There are many online bulletin boards that are read by people you are trying to contact everyday.

Each bulletin board is a small community of people for a certain niche topic. If you find some boards related to your niche you will be able to get your message out to hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people that are willing to hear what you have to say.

Many bulletin boards are free to join and offer ways to speak to each other through email, chat rooms, conferences, and forums.

Internet bulletin boards are full of hot prospects that are just waiting to hear what you are offering. In fact, if you find the right ones, that is what they are on there for.

What can be better than finding hot targetted prospects just waiting to hear about your business, and doing it for FREE ????

There is magazine called boardwatch that is a monthly report on bulletin boards and the bulleting board service industry.

A simple search for "boardwatch magazine" comes up with a bunch of sites for the magazine. Here is one that I liked... Boardwatch Magazine Free Subscription

Until next time... Have a great day. Now go get some free marketing done for your business.

Dedicated to your business success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Saturday, August 14, 2004

Business Promotion Tip - Ink Pens

What is something that everyone has? Everyone uses? Everyone needs? INK PENS!

I am not kidding at all. I am sure you have seen, or even own, a pen with a business advertisement on it. Imagine if that was your business advertisement and hundreds of people had them.

This is a great way to promote your business because people need pens and when they have a pen with your advertisement on it they will see it over and over again.

Think about this... Someone might see your ad in a newspaper once, be interested, but then forget about it later on. When your advertisement is on their ink pen it doesn't matter if they forget a few times because they will see the ad again.

Most likely they will eventually head over to your website to check out your products and services.

Here is a website I came up with by doing a simple search for pen advertising... PensXpress claims to be the complete source for pens to promote your business or organization.

Go grab yourself as many advertising pens as your budget will allow and then hand them out or leave them everywhere you go. Now that is a simple way to advertise and promote your business.

Until next time... Have a great day!

Dedicated to your business success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Friday, August 13, 2004

Free Marketing Technique - Be A Valuable Resource

Find ways to become a resource for your customers so they will keep coming back to your for it.

Offer your information and resources to them for free and add to it when you can.

As long as you keep giving them free up-to-date information and resources they will keep coming back. Plus, you are adding one more opportunity to make money off of them every time they visit.

Help them run their home business easier or work at home more efficiently or anything else you can help with. Doing this will help you in many ways as well!

Just like the old saying from the movie Jerry Macguire (probably spelled wrong)... "Help Me Help You"

Or the other one from Field Of Dreams... "If You Build It, He Will Come"

You get it yet? Help them, build it for them, give them the resources they need, and they will LOVE you for it!

Until next time... Have a great day! Now go and start building some free valuable resources for your visitors.

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Home Based Business Tip Of The Day

Today I have strayed away from the recent theme of marketing/advertising techniques. The reason for doing so it simple... I think this is a VERY important tip that everyone looking for a work at home based business should know.

To those of us that have been in online business for a while this will seem obvious. However, thousands of people fall victim to this thinking everyday.

OK, here goes the biggest tip of all...


If you could get rich quick wouldn't everyone do it? Also, wouldn't the people promoting it not need to spend all day spamming in order to get you to sign up for it?

The only way that I know of to get rich quick is to win the lottery. Trust me, your chances of doing that are better than your chances of finding a business opportunity where you can get rich quick.

EVERY business, whether online or offline, takes hard work, desire, dedication, perserverance, learning, and time! If you think you can handle putting in all of that for a year or two then you are ready to start an online home based business.

Once you have worked hard, put in plenty of time, and learned the ins/outs of online business you will probably be making a decent income.

It is WELL worth it in the end!!!!

Too many people sign up with business opportunities expecting to make a lot of money in a short amount of time. Well, it doesn't happen so they quit.

However, if that same person would have just stuck it out for a year or two they would probably be their own boss right now making more than they ever did at their job. Not to mention it would be from home.

You certainly wouldn't buy an office building, staff employees, buy inventory, and all that other stuff that an offline business needs... then quit when you didn't get rich off it in a month.

Online business is much easier to start but the same principles of business apply. Just because it's online and home based doesn't mean it's not a business.

So just remember that you can and will succeed with your business if you put in the needed effort. You will fail miserably if you expect a quick fix to your money problems.

If you are looking to get into online business click here for the #1 online home based business in the world. My top pick two years in a row! They don't try to lie to you with get rich quick promises and they give you all the tools you need to succeed.

Until next time... Have a great day!

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Website Marketing Tip - Link Anchor Text

It's no secret that having anchor text in your link is good for search engine optimization. It seems as though most website owners use this technique to help them rank higher for certain keywords.

If you don't know what link anchor text is, here is a quick rundown of it...

Lets say your website is about "work at home" and your site URL is When there is a link to your site you want it to be Work at Home Instead of just being

You see they both link to your website but one of them has keywords in the link so it helps you rank for those keywords.

OK, so we all know the SEO advantages of having link anchor text but there are also marketing advantages to it.

It's great to have search engines find your site and rank you higher for keywords. However, when visitors of the site your link is on are looking for "work at home" opportunities they are more likely to click on your link if it shows that it is about work at home just by looking at the link.

I could go on about this all day and probably confuse you more. However, I recently came across and article about link anchor text that talks about it much more in-depth and clearly.

It is a 5 page article explaining all you need to know about the marketing advantages of link anchor text. Check it out at SEO Chat - Search Engine Marketing - Link Anchor Text As A Marketing Tool

Now, go and start adding great keywords to your link anchor text. Come back tomorrow for another super work at home business marketing tip.

Until next time... Have a great day!

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Monday, August 09, 2004

Business Advertising Idea - Radio Advertising

Advertising on the radio can be a very effective way to get more customers for your brick-and-mortar business or more traffic for your online business website.

Radio advertising has been used for many years because it works. Companies continuously spend money to advertise on the radio only because the results are there.

Guess what? You can advertise on the radio too. It's actually cheaper and easier than you think. Plus, if you target the right audience and get the right message across, your advertisement could be a gold mine for you.

Many people listen to the radio for hours a day while at home or work. Others listen for only a little while when driving somewhere. The fact is that a very large percentage of people listen to the radio sometime in the day.

Your business advertisement on the right radio station for your target audience will potentially reach thousands of people.

Here is a link to an article that entrepreneur magazine ran about radio advertising.

It goes into a little more detail about radio advertising and is a really good read if you are interested in getting your business out to the masses.

Until next time... Have a great day! Go listen to the radio for a while ;)

Dedicated to your work at home business success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Sunday, August 08, 2004

Work at Home Business - Advertising Tip - FFA

Todays advertising tip is actually a tip on how NOT to advertise.

Free For All (FFA) pages are basically just sites made up of links to other sites.

Back in the day FFA sites were a great way to advertise your work at home business for free.

That has completely changed now. Some people will still tell you to advertise in Free For All pages but the fact is that they are worthless. I am sure there are a very select few individuals out there that are actually doig well by advertising in FFA pages but there aren't many.

The reason FFA pages are no longer a good way to advertise your business is because they have become too well known. Thousands upon thousands of people add their links everyday so your is never seen.

Plus, nobody goes to FFA's anymore to actually find information. The only reason anyone goes anymore is to ad their link to advertise for themselves.

Then, there is the problem with spam. Adding your link or email to a free for all site now will bring you in hundreds of spam emails from people wanting you to try their business.

Another thing that used to be good about FFA sites is that their are a lot of them so adding your website URL to a bunch of them would increase your link popularity. Well, I have heard now that having a link to your website in a Free for all page can actually have a negative effect on your site.

I would give you some links to a few FFA pages so you can see them for yourself. However, I don't even want a links to them being on my site!

Bottom line... stay away from free for all (FFA) sites as a way to advertise your business.

Until next time... Have a great day!

Dedicated to your work at home success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Friday, August 06, 2004

Free Traffic Tip - Jokes

Todays free traffic tip sort of goes along with yesterdays free traffic tip (scroll down to find it).

Yesterday we explored the traffic benefits of having free quotes on your website. Today we will talk about the traffic that having free jokes will bring.

Free jokes are searched for a lot. After all, everyone likes a good laugh. A great way to get traffic to your site is to offer daily free jokes. The free jokes will also bring them back day after day so they can see what the joke of the day is.

They will most likely tell someone they know about your site so they can also check out the free joke of the day.

As with the free quotes ... free jokes are also very easy to put on your site and can be a nice addition to any site, regardless of theme.

You can also get free jokes from (the website I talked about yesterday). They are just as easy to install on your site as the free quotes are and just as good for getting free traffic.

Until next time... Have a great day and go get some free traffic to your website!

Dedicated to your home business success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Thursday, August 05, 2004

Free Traffic Tip - Quotes

A great way to get free traffic to your site is by adding free quotes to it. There are a lot of searches per month for free quotes, inspirational quotes, and many other types of quotes.

What does this tell us? It tells us that people are very interested in finding quotes for free.

The good thing about quotes is that they are very easy to add to your site and cna be added to just about any site. With most content you need a certain themed site to add it. With quotes you can add them to any site regardless of theme.

Adding free quotes to your site will increase traffic and get more bookmarks of your site. People will want to come back to see the next days free quote so your repeat traffic should also increase.

Here is a great website that offers free quotes as well as other free things to help increase your traffic... On Your Site!

There are also a lot of other websites offering similar free services. I like the free quotes from On Your Site because they are clean, you only have to copy and paste the code into your site to get them, and visitors don't leave your site to get the quote.

Until next time... Have a great day and go get some free traffic to your website!

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Internet Marketing Tip - Blog Directories

As stated a while back in a previous post (scroll down to find it) blogs are a great work at home business marketing tool. The are also good for a lot of other things but I am not going to get into that now.

Once you have your blog going there are many blog directories that you can submit it to. Since blogs are so popular and are getting more so everyday, a lot of people visit blog directories to check out the latest blogs.

Having your blog in a directory can increase your traffic by quite a bit. Especially if you have a very interesting or informative blog (like mine - jk).

Many Blog directories also have a high google PR so they can offer a nice inbound link to your blog. If it's on your site that's just one more solid inbound link to you.

If your blog is not on your site then it should be linking to your site. When you get the PR from the blog directory then you will pass some of it on to your website.

It's a win-win situation!

Here are a few of the big name blog directories that are free to submit to:


You can also find tons more by doing a simple search for "blog directory" or "blog directories" or any other variation of the words "blog" and "directory".

Until next time... Have a great day and go market your blog to the masses!

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

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Sunday, August 01, 2004

Affiliate Marketing Resource -- AffiliateShowcase

As you most likely already know Affiliate Marketing is the fastest way to start your own home based business. You simply affiliate with an existing company and then market their products or services.

This is a very fast and easy way to start a home business. It's also usually free and can be quite profitable.

Many people (myself included) like to be affiliated with numerous companies in order to diversify our income streams.

The only problem with that is that it's nearly impossible to profitably market many programs unless you have them bundled into one site. Then you can promote just one URL and profit from many different programs.

Fortunately there is a place that makes this VERY easy to do... It's called Affiliate Showcase. They have tons of very profitable affiliate programs in many different categories. You can even add your own favorite one.

All you do is sign up FREE for affiliate showcase. Then you sign up for as many of the different affiliate programs as you want. They are all bundled into your personal affiliate showcase website. You then simply promote one URL in order to promote all those different programs.

You earn commissions off as many programs as you want just by referring people to one URL. It's really easy. They also recently made a whole bunch of changes and additions to the system. So, if you have been there before you might want to check it out again so see the new Affiliate Showcase.

Until next time... Have a great day and go make some money with your affiliate programs!

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

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